Many art lovers enjoy putting their favourite pieces of art on display in their homes, allowing visitors to appreciate their collection. Creating a miniature art gallery in your home is a great way of taking your passion for artwork a bit further, whilst designing a space that perfectly complements your art collection. Here is some advice for decorating an art gallery in your own home.


Typically, larger galleries will go for neutral tones for the wall decor – preventing the decoration of the walls from detracting from the artwork that’s on display. In an art gallery, the aim is to highlight the artwork and you don’t want anything to heavily distract from it. Painting the walls in a bright white can be an effective blank canvas that allows the paintings and other pieces of art to take all of the glory in the space. If you’d prefer to stay away from white, then other single tones can also be effective depending on the particular pieces you’ll be displaying in your home art gallery.


When it comes to deciding the flooring for an at-home art gallery, you may wish to consider hardwood flooring or some laminate. Art can be messy and the benefit of solid flooring is how easy it is to clean. Choosing a solid flooring doesn’t have to neglect creativity, however, as different patterns and textures can be found. If you enjoy the texture and vibrancy that carpets can add to a room, then consider a pink rug from TrendCarpet which come in a wide range of styles and are easier than full carpeting to maintain. A rug can add something different to a room and warm the space up a little, whilst being easy to pick up and change or to simply wash when it gets dirty. Depending on the size of your home art gallery, rugs can also be bought in sizes that could cover the entire floor.


Don’t go too heavy on the furnishings, as you want the artwork to be the centre of attention. However, tables and chairs can be a valuable addition to a home gallery. Tables can be ideal for displaying pieces of art such as sculptures, whilst chairs provide somewhere for any guests to sit and consider the artworks – or even simply sit to have a chat. Additionally, you’ll want to choose curtains or blinds that can adorn the windows of the room.

Overall, focus the decoration of your home art gallery on drawing attention towards the displayed artworks rather than taking attention away to the decor itself. Neutral colour pallets can work well, with flooring being a good area where some more personal creativity can be shown.